
I have used computers since 1985 when I bought an Apple IIe. It was a fantastic computer, I learned a lot and used it a lot. Eventually, I migrated to the Macintosh. To a certain extent, I have never looked back. I have had to use Windows machines at work, but they were such a pain I just stayed with the Mac, until a few years ago.

A few years ago I was exposed to the Linux operating system. Linux is FOSS (Free & Open Source Software). It is free and people are able to look at the source code which prevents companies from spying on you. I was interested in Linux for privacy reasons. It is very secure and the best platform if you are concerned with privacy issues.

Linux can work for the average user, there is no doubt. But, I eventually came back to the macOS platform for the software. Linux has pretty good software, but it did not have some of the Apps that I really like to use. So, these days, I use a M4 iMac (a great machine). I also have a couple of Linux computers running in the background just for fun.

Another reason I came back to the Mac is my entire family is on the Apple platform from phones to iPads to computers. It was just too awkward trying to communicate and stay in touch with them in the Linux world. Anyway, I am glad to be back on the Mac. It is not as secure as a Linux installation, but it is pretty good, definitely better than Windows for sure.


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